I promptly made arrangements to secure that serial number. Later, I was able to contact my salesman at Davidsons and asked again and yes!.it was available. I called Davidsons and asked if serial number NRA-00357 was available and was told it was already taken. The first 500 serial numbers were available for a $100 donation to the NRA Foundation. This first Bill Ruger comemmorative pistol was a combined project by Ruger, NRA and Davidsons. The serial number of the pictured pistol could be seen easily which was NRA-00357. Ruger Endowment Special NRA Edition Mark II Pistol'.
The special flyer from Davidson's had a large color picture of the 'William B. Ruger Endowment Special NRA Edition Mark II Pistol' through Davidsons.
As a dealer back then, I was made aware of the coming introduction of the 'William B. By poster child, I mean a gun that was widely advertised with photos, in this case, the advertisement campaign announcing the 'William B. I am curious about the opinions here of the value of a poster child pistol.